1. Politicians make mistakes and commit sins and immoral acts. These will be made political issues by the enemies. They will blow up this little sins and immoralities until you become very unpopular.
2. You wish they would die or go away. You wish you can shut their mouths.
3. But this is a free country and you just cannot shut them up.
2. You wish they would die or go away. You wish you can shut their mouths.
3. But this is a free country and you just cannot shut them up.
4. So what can you do?
5. The answer: Sue them. Sue them for 100 million.
6. The case will now go to the court.
7. When a case is before a court, it becomes sub judice. And when it is sub judice, your critic and enemy and others also cannot talk about the issue anymore. Effectively you have muzzled them and you are safe.
8. The court will take a long time to hear the case. You can prolong the time by asking for postponement, again and again. Any excuse will do.
9. And so the case drags on for years without the case being heard. It remains sub-judice and the critics will continue to be muzzled. You are safe.
10. Finally the case would be heard. If you win you stand to gain 100 million and the critic cannot bring up the matter anymore because you are now innocent.
11. But if you lose, then appeal to a higher court. The case remains sub-judice and the issue can't be brought up.
12. A few more years would pass and you are safe from being subjected to attacks on the issue.
13. At the Appeal Court you do the same thing. If found that the person you sued is not in the wrong, then appeal to the Appeal Court.
14. You can do the same at the Federal Court.
15. By then the people would have forgotten your sin and it would become a non-issue.
5. The answer: Sue them. Sue them for 100 million.
6. The case will now go to the court.
7. When a case is before a court, it becomes sub judice. And when it is sub judice, your critic and enemy and others also cannot talk about the issue anymore. Effectively you have muzzled them and you are safe.
8. The court will take a long time to hear the case. You can prolong the time by asking for postponement, again and again. Any excuse will do.
9. And so the case drags on for years without the case being heard. It remains sub-judice and the critics will continue to be muzzled. You are safe.
10. Finally the case would be heard. If you win you stand to gain 100 million and the critic cannot bring up the matter anymore because you are now innocent.
11. But if you lose, then appeal to a higher court. The case remains sub-judice and the issue can't be brought up.
12. A few more years would pass and you are safe from being subjected to attacks on the issue.
13. At the Appeal Court you do the same thing. If found that the person you sued is not in the wrong, then appeal to the Appeal Court.
14. You can do the same at the Federal Court.
15. By then the people would have forgotten your sin and it would become a non-issue.
Extracted from our beloved Tun Det blog,except for the header,it goes under my responsibility
ReplyDeleteand some, still don't want ISA? LoL
ISA amat diperlukan utk mengawal anasir2 rasisme yg cukup kuat pengaruhnye sejak era pemerintahan MR FLIP FLOP..tujuan ISA ini juga patut dipinda kpd yg laen..cnth untk mengawal negara dr pengaruh puak rasis dan juga puak2 yg boleh menjadi threat kpd malaysia..nmpknye utk menjadikan ia satu kenyataan kerajaan perlu mempengaruhi Bar Council yg rata-rata berpihak kpd pembangkang..kononya mereka berjuang ke arah ketuanan rakyat yg lbh adil..kalau kita lihat matlamat undang2 itu sendiri adlh untk mencapai keadilan dlm masyrakat yakni tanpa mengira status masing2 tp hakiaktnya ap yg terjadi mereka yg berstatus,berduit selalunya akn menang dlm kes2 yg dibicarakan..sebab itulah peguam rmai dtg dri kaum india..melayu x ramai sbb mak bapak hlg sbb dieorg tau nk jd kaya dlm profesi peguam perlu melanggar the do's and the dont's dlm islam..oleh itu,di mana keadilan yg diperjuangkan??